Next semester, we have more…


We are very happy to announce the University of Edinburgh diaspora studies graduate seminar series programme for Spring 2015.

20th January: Sophie Cooper (University of Edinburgh), ‘Contested identities: The Irish diaspora in Victorian Melbourne’

3rd February: Sean Murphy (St Andrews), ‘Verbal tartanry: Lowland language and the associational culture of the Scottish diaspora’

3rd March: Sarah Arens (University of Edinburgh), ‘Decolonising the Atomium: Diasporic writing in Brussels’

17th March: Kimberley Sherman (St Andrews), ‘A family affair: Kinship networks and Scottish emigration in colonial North Carolina’

31st March: Jerome Devitt (Trinity College Dublin), ‘Fenian footprint: Revolutionary Irish Nationalism and Victorian Bermuda’

The seminars will take place every other Tuesday between 1 and 2pm. They will be held in room G16, which is on the ground floor of the William Robertson Wing, Doorway 4, Old Medical School, University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place, Edinburgh.

All are welcome – especially fellow PhD candidates and ECRs.

This seminar series takes place with the support of the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies at the University of Edinburgh.